in-store communication, shelf tester

Shelf Tester

Let the consumers discover your product

A SHELF TESTER is a tailor-made marketing tool. It is created to incorporate your product just in front of your facing. This in-store tester provides an opportunity to try a product out before purchasing it. Get closer to your consumers by giving them an in-store testing experience. 

Market retail insights

  • 1 out of 2 customers is influenced by in-store communication, signage and animation at the POS*
  • 66% of consumers feel closer to a brand that communicates in the shop**
  • 46% of consumers consider communication at the point of sale to be the most useful**

*POPAI 2015
**LISTEN "Consumers’ perception of promotion" 2017

Why Shelf Tester ?

Allows consumers to try the product
Gives consumers an in-store testing experience
Increases the value of the product
Shows what the product is all about in detail
Triggers an emotional response from consumers
FMCG retailers (food and non-food)
Coverage: Belgium and Luxembourg